
Thursday, September 8, 2011

RLLY??? >:(

A few weeks ago I came to school and a friend of mine came running up to me so excited because a guy she had been crushing on the past two months asked her out. She is jumping up and down with a smile bigger than Alaska on her face. Being the everyday teenage girl that I am I ask for the details. She whips her phone out of her back pocket and shows me a single text from him that said, "Hey cutie! Wanna be my girlyfriend?? (;" (Yes, with the winky face). I held back my mocking laughter. I mean really? You are going to ask her out over a TEXT?! And girlyfriend? I mean come on!! At least make it seem like you won't treat her like dirt. Put a little effort into it. I wanted to tell her not to accept it because all that shows is he dosn't care enough to do it in a meaningful way but instead I hug her and give her the classic "If he hurts you, I will hurt him three times worse" Which in this case, I was dead serious about.

But wait! It gets worse! Last night another friend of mine called me furious as can be because his girlfriend had broken up with him. I tried to be comforting and kind until I heard that this snooty, stuck-up, dummmy's desion was over facebook! She didn't even have the guts to break up with him in person. She changed her relationship status on Facebook to single. If that isn't a low blow I don't know what is. I mean, way to be a coward. Breaking up is (or should be) an important descision. Not something to be dealt with over facebook. Technology is playing such a large role in teenagers lives now, and honestly I am ok with that. But I mean really chick? Have the guts to do it to his face.

So please if you have anything important to say. Say it to them in person. Wait until the next day when you see them at school. It will give you a little more time to think about what you say and you can at least make them think you care. Because if you are going to do something via text or Facebook. That just makes you a painsy baby.

Leave me a comment! I promise, I won't bite!!!

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