
Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Crazy Life of My Sister Mary Part 1

O Mary! My sister is probably one of the most bizzaro people on the planet and I was lucky enough to get to grow up with her. This is the sister who has a pet dog named Cal (like Calvin Kline) that I swear looks like a little white fox and acts like Paris Hilton. Most dogs seem to want to please their masters but not Cal, he has this "Screw you" look in his eyes. This snooty little inuit refuses to sit down outside because he dosn't want to get his pristine white fur dirty but when he came over to the house Cal peed on my younger brothers foot. Now what I don't understand is my sister also has a cat. A cat which Mary and her boyfriend Richard managed to toilet train how in the world they pulled off that magnificent feat off is beyond me . I think the shaddy neighborhood my sister lives in was all the motivation Mary's cat needed to learn to pooooooop in the toilet (gotta love the word pooooop). I know I would, considering Mary's little Asian neighbors actually got robbed at macheti point. Yea, macheti, like the huge ninja sword. This intruder held this massive sword to the Asian mans belly and stole all their stuff. Because you need a license to carry a gun but any bad guy can buy a fricken macheti!

So, that is the story of Mary this time. My beautiful, wonderful, crazy, brilliant older sister.

Leave me a comment please! I'm lonely and I used the word poop!

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