
Friday, September 16, 2011

Another Friday Football Blog

My younger brother Sandor (pronounced Shawn-door) just started his first year of tackle football. He's not the biggest boy on the team and most of the boys did it last year but MAN, does he try hard. He isn't afraid to hit a big ole' kid three times his size. While the other boys will run up and hesitate and maybe push them back my little brother runs over these guys. he made three kids cry! That's a lot of little boy tears. Where did this steam driver come from. Where did he learn to run over these kids? Maybe it's from growing up with three older siblings. Maybe it is from me letting him try and tackle me in the yard. Maybe it is from his mix-training in ju-jitzu. I don't know where it came from but did the coaches faces light up when they see this giant redneck kids hit the ground.

Mom is so excited that the Hampo family will finnaly have a school athlete. Somebody we will get to watch run around on our turf and hear his name called over the intercom. Finnally one of our's that we can ring the most annoying cowbell for. Not one on the sidelines in the band or the one filming it but a kid actually playing in the game! I am so proud of my little, big headed, brilliant, kind, and apperantly athletic younger brother.

So to all my readers, go tackle somebody, make them cry. It builds character!

1 comment:

  1. HELL YEAH! if i had a heart you so would have made me cry! you're just as freakin awesome. think how proud jack and i are!
