
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

It Makes Me Feel Pretty!

I want to start by clearing something up for all of my readers.
Make-up is (or should be) used to enhance your appearance, not cover it up.
If you interview a group of guys no matter what age or personal background, I promise you, over half of them will say they like little to no make-up, over the "raccoon" look. Who wants those teenage girls roaming the mall who have black eye liner down to their nose, layers of foundation that makes them 3 shades darker, and eye shadow the color of the sky up to their eyebrows.

Cosmetics are great, I love them they make me feel prettier and I can use it to cover-up my flaws or to bring out my good features.

If you have blue eyes why would you spend hours applying tons of dark colors all around your eyes? That hides your natural beauty. If you have naturally thin long eyelashes, don't put a lot of mascara on. I mean why use bat poop when you already have the lashes?

Most make-up is meant to be put on in little proportions and in the correct manner to make you look better. There are a lot of woman out there that are anti-make up. I get where they are coming. I get that that is "who you are" and you shouldn't have to change, but I don't see what is wrong with enhancing looks. It is just like wearing flattering clothes. They don't change your body any more then sweats do, they just bring out your natural beauty. Hey, I look better in jeans and a cute take top than I do in overalls. That doesn't make me a sell out.

So thank you for reading! And keep reading, I like the attention.
Now go and read a neon sign, o and check out this website :)

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